The New Year has arrived! Like many others, you might be considering making a New Year’s resolution. Interestingly, studies show that most people who make resolutions set three goals for themselves. While resolutions can be beneficial, history reveals that they often don’t last. In fact, statistics indicate that 99% of New Year’s resolutions only last for about five months. This might be because we set our goals too high or choose resolutions that are too difficult. Perhaps the real issue lies in desiring change rather than focusing on growth.
The most common resolutions are predictable. Improved fitness, better finances, and enhanced mental health top the list, followed closely by losing weight and improving one’s diet. Many resolution-makers want to see improvements in their stamina, their finances, and their physical appearance. However, people often desire transformation without undergoing the necessary changes in their lives. As Christians, we also seek transformation, but our resolutions tend to look quite different. Many of us resolve to pray and read the Bible more, attend church regularly, share the gospel, pursue holiness, or love God more fully. We, too, desire change; however, the Bible teaches us that to experience lasting transformation, we should focus on growth.
The most significant changes we witness throughout our lives are the result of growth. We don’t say a child changes into an adult; we say a child grows into an adult. When that adult continues to grow, they may eventually retire. Over time, they do change, but it is the growth that makes a difference. While it may seem effortless for these changes to occur, we know it takes years of growing. This analogy is similar to your Christian walk. You may wish to see changes, but what you truly need is growth. Ephesians 4:15-16 tells us, “Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.”
As we enter the new year, setting resolutions is perfectly acceptable. However, instead of aiming for change, focus your resolutions on striving for growth! This is God’s will for every follower of Jesus Christ. You are called to grow in your knowledge of Christ through prayer, study, worship, and praise. Keep in mind that this growth won’t happen overnight. Lasting growth never does. Trust in the Holy Spirit to guide you in this journey. Real growth will endure longer than five months; it will last into eternity.
~ Pastor Mike